Fidonet Mail Access for Delphi/VP


Fidonet Mail Access is yet another toolkit to access Fidonet message bases written by Pete Kvitek in C language. It is distributed under General Public License. Here you can find Pascal units with which you can use FMA in Delphi and Virtual Pascal programs.

Main translation was made by Akzhan Abdulin

Latest changes were made by Andrew D. Plyako

I have translated several missed files, patched sources for compatibility with Virtual Pascal v2.1. Also now you can link your Pascal programs statically with FMA, this means that there is no need in FMA in .dll file. Such program will additionaly need only C language runtime in crtdll.dll file, which is present in every MS Windows system.

Download FMX 1.10.98 sources (46k RAR archive)

Download FMX 1.10.98 sources (90k ZIP archive)

Download FMA 1.10.97 compiled .obj files (47k RAR archive)

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